Wednesday, October 1, 2008


Veronica Here....

I hate baby carrots.  I'm sitting here right now and my tummy is grumbling and I don't want to eat a lunch yet so I can spread it out a bit, and really the only 0 pt thing I have upstairs is baby carrots and quite frankly, the thought of eating a one makes me wanna puke!  Oh yeah, they're cute and all, all orange and babyish but they're tasteless except for a little bit of gross veggieness, and they take a long time to chew, and they suck. I'd rather go hungry.  That's all......

1 comment:

The Girls said...

I love baby carrots. I just packed my brown-bag lunch to take when chaperoning Jug Jr.'s field trip. I put in a tiny Laughing Cow wedge and 3 points worth of multigrain crackers and an apple. Then I thought, I will be done eating in two minutes and still hungry. And that's when I had the baby carrot epiphany! I packed well more than I'll ever be able to eat. And won't I be smug chomping on veggies while the other moms are snarfing down Twinkies? Smug or jealous...not sure which.