Saturday, October 4, 2008

About Time!

So glad you FINALLY commented on Friendly Mr. D in the photo above. I had figured you'd seen it and found it completely unamusing. 

Sadly, he has indeed gone missing. That pic is from the early 2000s when we'd gotten our very first digital camera and were trying it out by taking oh-so-funny pix of Mr. D amongst our children's playthings, then sending them to you. Remember? If are some of my faves of him leaving town (bucked up for safety), visiting the farm (posing with the barn cock, natch), and lounging in the pool (aka water-filled tummy-time mat).

1 comment:

The Girls said...

Oh Mr. D how I miss you so, your carefree ways, your easy demeanor, always with a stiff upper...lip. You are so sorely missed and it breaks my heart to think of you buried down in the depths of THAT house!