Tuesday, September 30, 2008

A Picture Is Worth a Thousand Points

Betty here. As most of my loyal readers know, I embarked upon my initial WW journey in early 2007. Shortly thereafter, the fam and I visited the CoCoKey indoor water park in Ohio to review it for a local parenting magazine. 
The people at CoCoKey were happy to see us. Perhaps forgetting I'd be spending the weekend in a swimsuit, they greeted us with this bounty of low-fat, low-cal, low-point snacks. Sweet.
As for today...I'm at 4 points thusly:
0 coffee
2 banana (though it was under-ripe and therefore should count as zero)
2 Fiber One bar (mmmmm.....fiber....)

1 comment:

The Girls said...

Listing your points before your food throws me off Bets, I thought you had 2 Fibre One bars. I feared you'd be poopin' all day! Fix that would ya?